Modified Semester End Additional Exam Rules for BMS from 2013-14



Existing Rules 8439

Mode of Conduct of Semester End Additional Examination :

a) There will be one additional examination for semester I, II, III and IV for those who have failed or remained absent.

b) The absent learner will be allowed to appear for the examination by the head of the institution after following the necessary formalities subject to the reasons to the satisfaction of the head of the institution.

c) This examination will be held 20 days after the declaration of results but not later than 40 days.


Amended R.8439 (with effect from 2013-14)

  • Additional Examination for Semester I and Semester II be held after the conduct of Semester II Examination in March/ April every year and
  • Additional Examination for Semester III and Semester IV be held after the conduct of Semester IV Examination in March / April every year.
  • However, Additional Examination for Semester II and Semester IV be held after 20 days and before 40 days from the date of declaration of result of the respective Semester End Examination.



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  1. I forgot to fill my 6th semester university form for the exam to be held on 16th April 2015,What Should i do now so tha i will be able to give semester 6 exam either now or KT exam in November????Rply Asap

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