Modi’s Cabinet Ministers: Thawar Chand Ghelot



The BJP party loyalist – Mr. Thawar Chand Gehlot  was born on 18th may ,1948. He is the most recognized face of  BJP for Scheduled Castes in MP. He is graduate from Ujjain , MP. His hobby is to read.

After the start of his political career there was no looking back. He has reached great heights in his political carrer. He holds administrative post of his party as the BJP’s returning officer.

He is the leader of Dalit community who has served as a Lok Sabha MP from Dewas constituency from 1996 & 2009

He lost Lok Sabha polls to Sajjan Singh Verma of Congress in 2009. He became a member of Rajiya Sabha in 2013.He has held several positions in the state &  was also deputed as the central observer of the party for Gujarat . He is considered close to Modi.

He is not a freedom fighter but he is no less . He is appointed as Minister of Social Justice & Empowerment in the NaMo led government. Presently he  is also  holding the post of General Secretory in BJP.

– Khushboo Chauhan



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