Money Magnet


You can read 10 books on this topic but its important that you know and  understand the way to tap into your subconscious mind, one needs to first know the difference between the conscious & sub-conscious mind. Its the technique that matters, once you have learnt the art it becomes a habit and then your mind and system are trained to do it automatically just like any other routine activity during the day. It becomes a pattern & way of your life, it becomes as necessary and as natural as breathing & then you become a Master of it and it works as you want. We have applied the technique  and it has done wonders for us, now its your chance to experience the same with us and you will see

“Your Wish will be the Universe’s Command”


Money Magnet – It’s all about the money workshop is a mind based technique: August 4,  2011 at Chembur. Time- 1:30 – 6:00 pm. Fees Rs 2500 with manual, kit and certificate.

Most of us are aware of the importance of hard work, determination, and drive to attract money. However, there are also other, more hidden and subtle positive ways to attract money, wealth, and prosperity. When followed, these methods have a tendency to instantly attract money from seemingly out of nowhere, defying our normal notions of cause and effect, and what is logical and possible. Such sudden and abundant results are indications of the wondrous phenomenon of “life response”.

Being from the management background myself I can tell from experience it will be an add on to your skills and knowledge as you will now also be aware about the law of your mind & law of nature towards money.

For more details, contact –

E-mail Id[email protected]


Mobile No – 9820864783

Lecturer – Meenakshi Anand Soni, Money Magnet

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