Mono Rail: The Journey Begins


mono rail

The first in India, Mumbai Monorail service has started its journey for the Mumbaikars from Wadala-Chembur (approximately 8 kms. one way route) since February 2. The Mumbai Metropolitan Region Development Authority (MMRDA) showcased its very 1st journey on January 30. Initially the service would be available from 7 am to 3 pm. The plan to run the rail 19 hours a day would be open as the full stretch of 20 kms journey is made.

For the time the frequency between the trains is set as 15 minutes, when the service kick off, the frequency would be reduced to 9 minutes and as soon as the 20 km stretch is opened it would be reduced  to 3 minutes between two trains. Six trains are ready to start the service and the number would be increased to 10 in the second phase.

‘The total cost of the monorail project covering the entire 20 km stretch is about Rs. 3,000 crore, of this Rs. 1,100 crore has already been spent on phase 1 and Rs 800 crore to lay the foundation and other initial work for phase 2’, said Urvinder Pal Singh Madan, Metropolitan Commissioner.

The monorail would be of 4 coaches per train that can carry 560 passengers comfortably with an air-conditioned travel experience. Peak passenger capacity will be 20,000 per hour initially in one direction.
The Mumbaikars will surely enjoy their journey as the ticket far is in the range of Rs.5 to Rs.11 for the present route.

There won’t be a monthly pass system for daily commuters but they would have a smartcard which can be recharged and used.
The commuter would cover the whole distance from Wadala to Chembur in 15minutes. The monorail is eco-friendly as it makes quite less noise in comparison to any other transport service.
The Wadala car depot, spread over 6.5 hectares, provides parking facility for 21 trains, with operation control centres, training centres, power station, and receiving traction sub-station.

– Varsha Chachad.

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