Monsoon Fashion From The Trendsetters!



The advent of monsoon brings in a lot of problems for women. From maintaining your hair to your skin, everything is a must. While the clouds bring in gray and gloomy weather, it certainly does not have to reflect in your wardrobe. Let not the dirt and muck bring down the fashionista in you. here are a few tips to jazz up your wardrobe…

1. Shoes

Jumping puddles? Get the right shoes! The monsoon brings in a natural clean-up drive for the roads and all the grit comes looking for your feet. The markets boast of pretty colourful rainy shoes of all variants and styles. Pick the one that suits you perfectly.

2. Gum boots

Oh so stylish! The traditional gumboots are a lesser popular fashion piece which needs attention. The monocolor boots have replaced the much adorable floral and other designs in girly colors to bring out the cool in you. Shun the regulars and opt for these which not only saves your feet from dirt but also look chic.

3. Scarfs

While most of you will associate scarfs to the summers. They are a great wway to accentuate your dress in the monsoon. It will not only add color to your otherwise boring outfit but will also add a twist. It adds layer to your dressing and spells fun.

4. Nail Art

The most ignored part of the body are out feet during the monsoon. Opt for a spa and to avoid the dirt getting in your nails, go color crazy!Paint your nails with bright colors or opt for one of the million designs o your nails.

5. Jewellery

While most of you may think of this as crazy but monsoon is great to flaunt chunky jewellery which otherwise seeks occasion. Don it with single color outfits and dazzle the world.

– Kashmeera Tambe

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