More Than Friends But Less Than Lovers?


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As weird as it may sound, the fact remains it is true. Most of the people suffer from this phase in their relationships with their best or close friends where one of them starts feeling the more than friends thingy and the other is either on the same page or not. There also comes this phase in friendship where one may be attracted or feel a sense of progress in the relationship but doesn’t feel that its love.

Yeah! In one word – its ‘complicated’. Strangely it’s a relationship option on social networking sites too. I believe people wanna say that they are not committed but reserved or they are in a relationship but not sure about it or that they want to be with someone but things aren’t working out that well so they are clueless, etc etc etc.

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A few years into close friendship and either people ended up in a relationship or one of the friends falls for the other one. Its bliss if both are in love but what when the feelings are one sided and there is a complete upheaval in the relationship. There is complete loss of ease and an extravagant entry of awkwardness due to the involvement of others.

What is important to understand that it’s ok if one person develops that kind of feelings and is expecting more from the relationship. It’s very crucial to convey the newly emerged feelings to the other person and to understand his/her feelings too. It’s essential to accept and appreciate if the person doesn’t feel the same. There’s no point in spoiling the friendship for having one sided feelings, it’s a really poor bargain.

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What next? The real issue to be addressed is how to deal with this sticky position of being more than friends but less than lovers. Frankly, big deal if your friend is not in love with you. There is no rule that if you love someone that person has to love you back by hook or crook. It’s no compulsion that 2 people have to feel exactly the same way about each other. Also there is no reason that you need to become a sulking moron and cry over your situation. Also please do not refute to ‘he/she doesn’t deserve me’ or ‘he/she deserves better’ … I mean really? You were supposedly in love with that person a few days ago or few hours back.

So let’s not complicate something that is very simple. You love your friend but he/she doesn’t love you. IT’S OKAY!! Be frank and open about your feelings and cherish the friendship. Accept the truth that friendship is all you’ll have with that person and so it’s important that you hold onto it. Avoid making it into a big tragedy and rather not share it with people who would simply use ‘you’ as a tool of gossip.

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Loving your friend is the best thing and not being in a relationship may work best for you’ll… you never know!

–        Anjani M Nautiyal

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namrata desai


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