More than hundreds flee their homes in Assam



On Saturday, 9 more bodies (4 children, 2 women and others) were recovered in the Bodoland Territorial Area Districuts of Kokrajhar and Baska.

State government has decided to hand over the investigation to National Investigation Agency.

Heavily armed militants shot dead 3 members of a family, near the Ananda Bazar area in the district on Thursday.

The police opened fire in the air after a mob armed with spears and sticks tried to set ablaze a forest range office at Basbari in Baska on Saturday morning. This made hundreds of people flee their homes with some taking shelter in two relief camps.

A press statement by NDFB Secretary (Information and Publicity Wing) N.E. Esara said: “We ask the Assam government and its officials to stay away from such accusation without the slightest justification.”

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