Most Followed Footballers on Twitter




Twitter is the way fans can connect to celebrities, sportsman, and politicians and follow them to get latest updates of what is happening in their life and their ideas that they want to share with the world. Twitter is the best way to follow your favorite star. With the world cup coming next week there will be more and more people following regularly so, here is a list of top 5 most popular footballers on twitter.

Cristiano Ronaldo – whooping 25m followers

He became the best player of the planet and won the Champions League, former Manchester United superstar and now playing for Real Madrid he surely is the most popular player on the planet.

Wayne Rooney – 9m followers

He became the highest paid Premier League player when he signed 300,000 pounds a week contract for next 5 years. He surely is the most valuable player for Manchester United, he will be the main man for England and surely with the group they have got Rooney has to show his true worth for England in the world cup and Manchester United next season as they are having a bad time.

Ronaldinho – 9m followers

Even though he is playing in brazil in atletico mineiro, not any competitive European football but he surely is one of the greatest players to ever play football. With his skills and trickery he surely was a popular figure at Barcelona and still remains world’s favorite

Neymar – 10m followers

He surely is regarded as the next ronaldinho for Barcelona. At such a young age he surely has a lot of supporters around the world.

Kaka – 18.2 m followers

Won ballon d’or in AC Milan and joined Real Madrid in 09. He surely is one popular figure in Italy even though his Real Madrid days are nothing to boast about but he truly is one great Brazilian. Pele regarded him as his successful when Kaka was young.


–         Jainam Jhaveri

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BMS Graduate with a Diploma in Software Engg and a Sports Blogger... passionate about Blogging, Football, Video Games, Surfing Internet and Love to Travel and visit new places.


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