Most Marketers Make These 6 Mistakes Daily, Do You Too?



Marketing is a talent which seems easy. But when you practically try, you get to know the intricacies of it. Marketing is a thing which connects you and your prospect clients and customers on the internet. That is why it is necessary for you to market your content effectively. Prospect clients and customers always expect a full integrated  experience with your product, if you fail to provide one your competitors will. Here are the top 6 mistakes marketers make daily:

1- Marketing without a strong content strategy.


Marketing without a strong content is just like entrepreneurial journey without persistence…will it go strong? No! People often tend to claim “my industry is boring and nobody reads our content” . I mean how do these people even think that way. They are losing even before starting. These kind of statements are the result of  lack of inspiration. Without a strong content strategy your marketing is not going to bring you sales or clients. So make sure you come up with a strong content strategy next time.

2- Content without context.


Offering content without context is another mistake marketers make. Some brands have a very good content strategy but don’t know about the audience they are targeting. Relevant content along with proper context is a cherry on cake for customers as well as prospects as they are likely to feel more connected to your brand. A recent Razorfish study estimates that just 38% of marketers can segment prospects from existing customers for targeted marketing. Inculcate this in your business concept to provide a wonderful experience to your prospects and customers on the net.

3- Dead by word count.


Marketers should keep in mind while promoting or publishing content, it should be concise and in a way that customers are able to consume the information. It’s a fact that an average adult attention span is mere 2.8 seconds. That’s like reading 1-2 lines of introduction. If you fail to grasp the attention at that particular time the customers and prospects are more likely to be attracted further. Also create content strategies in a way that is quick, easy and often visual to the audience. With 90% of information transmitted to the brain being visual, you can start showing things that you do instead of telling them.

4- Thinking slow and steady wins the race.


In the marketing world, truly ‘time is money’. If the site takes more than 3 seconds to load 40% of the people will abandon the site. Moreover, the researchers from Google and Amazon claim that one second load time can significantly boost your bounce rates as well as revenue numbers. . Yottaa provides a free website speed test on its homepage to gauge your current performance, so start there, then test how your site responds on tablets, mobile and other devices. People who think slow and steady is an optimum strategy for marketing are unfortunately wrong.

5- Talking(or tweeting) too much about yourself.


It is assumed by marketers that audience wants to hear about the company only. Well, that’s not the case. Infact the best brands gives 70-80% of the time for keeping the audience live, work or play better. And only 20-30% time in talking about their respective brands. Always try to communicate as much as you can to the customers or the market you are targeting. Listen to their queries or experiences with your companies, monitor when are they interacting the most, and what type of content excites them. Incline your content in that direction and change accordingly.

6- Not knowing the numbers.


It’s time to brush off your math skills and put them to work if you are a marketer. You should
know the numbers of your site as clicks per blog/article,conversion rates,traffic etc. You should start conducting A/B tests to check what will work well and what will not, create monthly or weekly targets for your site etc. It’s very important for you as a marketer, to know all the numbers associated with your site.

As now you know what mistakes marketers make now, make sure you don’t carry out. The people’s way of buying and shopping has changed drastically over the last decade. Try to make the use of technology to your benefit.

– Vatsal Doshi

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