Mother Earth





The living and developing




Earlier the word EARTH was spoken by us with great pride, love, respect, care, honesty and loyalty. But now tell me how many of us speak out the word EARTH with these qualities. How many of us have turned back to see why is our thoughts towards our mother earth changed? The initial reason is we human being itself.


In our younger classes we have learnt that “Man is always greedy. How much ever he has the more he wants. He is never satisfied with the facilities he has.” GREEDINESS one of the evilest behaviour in man has not only changed himself but has changed the whole planet. Our planet, the world in which we live in is no more a place where good qualities stay. It is as if rains have washed off all the good qualities and poured in the bad qualities. Every continent, every country, every state, in fact every man living on this earth is running behind the word DEVELOPING!! What does developing mean? What do the scientific, economic, and the political research mean by the word developing? Building up more skyscrapers, polluting the environment, manufacturing stuffs with harmful contents, vanishing of creatures making them rare every day, lessening the number of trees, and many other factors affecting the environment. Is that what the studies mean by the word developing? Or the graphical increase in corruption, bribery, terrorists, criminals, rapists, political influences, and the cry of the poor. Does this mean by developing? NOTHING has developed…I say nothing has developed!! Yes the devil in man has developed to the most extend by just destroying this land.



Earth has become a place where we can stay strong and keep up the status in the society only and only if you belong to a high class i.e. the richer section or if you have a strong political background. ‘From buying salt till hiring a job and securing your future you need a strong political influence!


Here comes the star of our story ‘MONEY’. Money is all what man wants. Previously we have studied the basic necessities of man is FOOD, CLOTHING, SHELTER. But the developed world teaches us that basic necessities are MONEY, LUXURY, and WEALTH.


Countries have developed but thoughts remain the same. Comparisons, differentiations, insulting, to show others down we have not forgotten to include them in our behaviour. Years have taught us that rich remains rich, poor always remains poor and if anyone is suffering it’s the middle class families. They live in total suffocation. Peoples attitude towards the sub-caste, the poor, or an inter caste marriage remains typically orthodox.


We no more behave as human beings. We have changed into robots; as if someone presses the switch and we work accordingly. We live our lives to compete. To just cop up with this world of competition. We have forgotten to love, care, to be kind, to help in fact all the good qualities have vanished.


If you see the graphical survey, from 1990s to 2000s world has developed. It has a high rising graph. But on the contrary if you go to see the earths graph with such a load on it each step which we call as development brings the earth graph to a decreasing level.


So I guess the topic of my article is to be changed.



The non living and

Under developing





AUTHOR : Betsy Basil



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Pillai College of Arts, Commerce and Science was established in 1998 by Dr. K. M. Vasudevan Pillai whose vision was to provide students of Navi Mumbai with quality education in a high-tech atmosphere. It is situated in a 10 acre land surrounded by natural beauty and supported by the best infrastructure facilities, a state-of-the-art conference room, well-equipped computer labs and well-stocked libraries.


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