Motion study is the science of eliminating wastefulness resulting from using unnecessary; ill-directed and inefficient motion. The aim of motion study is to find and perpetuate the scheme of least waste methods of labour.
Micro motion study provides a valuable technique for making minute analysis of those operations that are short in cycle, contain rapid movements and involve high production over a long period of time.
Micro-motions are also known as ‘Therbligs’.
Examples of Therbligs
- Search (Sr)
- Select (St)
- Grasp (G)
- Transport empty (TE)
- Transport loaded (TL)
- Hold (H)
- Release load (RL)
- Position (P)
- Pre-position (PP)
- Inspect (I)
- Assemble (A)
- Disassemble (DA)
- Use (U)
- Unavoidable delay (UD)
- Avoidable delay (AD)
- Plan (Pn)
- Rest for overcoming fatigue (R)
- Find (F)