Moto G – Why users recommend it so vociferously??



Its not a long journey that Moto G has travelled to gain that much success & popularity which it is enjoying today. Moto G is still the hot cake of the market & the main reason behind it is the demand which is increasing day by day.


So what would be the main reason behind its success?? Is it the brand which is associated with it i.e Motorola or there are some other reason behind its success? The answer would be probably NO that because its brand name is Motorola it has to gain success because Motorola is not that much big name in the industry of smartphone like SONY & SAMSUNG has made. So what makes Moto G a different product?? The answer to this question is the combination of both the features it provides & the price in which these features are available.


Moto G comes with a 1.2Ghz Quad core processor, 1 Gb RAM  which is very good speed for multitasking & playing games & do many other stuffs with ease on the top of that it comes with a 4.5 inch HD screen with 720 pixels resolution which makes it a eye catchy candy with a sleek body design & lighting fast android i.e Kitkat which is the latest version of android. And all these features are available under 15K of amount which makes it a pocket friendlydeal. So for Moto G one can say it “All good things come under small packages with a small amount.”


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Ayesha Patel


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