Motor Vehicle Insurance


Motor Vehicle Insurance:

Car insurance companies take many factors into account when determining what premiums the insured will pay. Everybody does not pay the same premium. You pay a premium based on what the company assesses as the possible risk you pose. The major factor is the age and condition of the car. The other factors are as follows:-

  • Multiple cars or policies:

When you have more than one car on an insurance policy, most companies will give you what is known as a multiple line discount. Because you use the company for all of your auto insurance needs, they reward you.

Distance and amount of driving you do:

Most car insurance companies ask prospective clients how far, and to where, they do most of their driving in a day. The thinking is that further you have to drive, and the more often you do it, the more likely you are to have an accident. The person who commutes 45 minutes to work every day is going to pay more than the person who drives 10 minutes to work. Likewise, a college student who walks to class, and drives home three or four times a year will cost less than the college student who spends 30 minutes commuting to and from campus each day.

  • Location of your car:

Car insurance companies rate areas according to the number of accidents or thefts that occur in a specified amount of time in that area. Sometimes, the company can even pinpoint a neighborhood. If you live in a large city, your rates will be higher than if you live in a town.

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