Mouthwatering Meringue Recipe



Light and fluffy, meringues are a great base for desserts and they are fat-free so no guilt involved! This recipe gives you a decadent, chewy meringue to cut up and share out at the table..

Ingredients :

For the meringue :

3 free-range eggs, whites only

150g golden caster sugar

For the ganache :

150ml double cream

150g dark chocolate


Directions :

Preheat your oven to 300°. Line a baking sheet with wax paper. Put your egg whites into a bowl, making sure there are absolutely no little pieces of egg shell or egg yolk in them. Whisk on medium until the whites form firm peaks.

With your mixer still running, gradually add the sugar and the pinch of salt. Turn the mixer up to the highest setting and whisk for about 7 or 8 minutes until the meringue mixer is deliciously white and glossy. Dip your finger in the meringue and rub the mixture between your thumb and index finger. It should feel perfectly smooth. If it feels at all grainy, whisk for a little bit longer. Keep a close eye on the meringue because if you whisk for too long, it will collapse.

Now gently fold in one of the flavors from the list below if you fancy. Choose one of the following:

A good pinch of saffron

Zest of 2 oranges

A handful of pistachio nuts, bashed

1 teaspoon mixed spice

Zest of 3 lemons

2 tablespoons cocoa powder, sifted

1 tbsp hazelnuts lightly toasted and crushed

Spoon your plain or flavored meringue mixture onto the prepared baking sheet, either in one large dollop or several smaller ones, leaving a bit of space between them. Dab them with the bottom of your spoon so you get wispy bits rising up from the surface of the meringue. Pop the baking sheet into the oven for about an hour, until the meringues are crisp on the outside and chewy and a little gooey in the middle.


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Tanvi Gupta

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