Movie Masala: ‘Gunday’


All the information you need before you book your tickets for the latest releases this weekend!


Star cast: Ranveer Singh, Arjun Kapoor, Priyanka Chopra, Irrfan Khan. Director: Ali Abbas Zafar

Gunday is a legendary story of two young lads who begin by supplying illegal weapons to the Bangladesh army post 1973 war. From there circumstances force the two young lads to flee to Kolkata, then Calcutta. Bikram (Ranveer Singh) and Bala (Arjun Kapoor) get pushed into becoming the coal mafias after thriving through their childhood as petty coal thieves.

Ranveer Singh is effortlessly terrific as Bikram. The actor’s impulsive vein comes handy in this role especially because he is so sexy with such ease, that it will be hard to take your eyes off him. Arjun Kapoor’s relative inexperience however plays him down a little when pitted opposite Ranveer. He is intense, brimming with emotions but the rendering is not done to rightly tinted perfection.

Priyanka Chopra has way more flair when we saw her in Barfi but the actress is not picking well rooted roles anymore. It is not her story clearly and she fails to rise up beyond being the bone of contention between Bikram and Bala. Irrfan Khan is nuanced as the shrewd cop and his charming subtlety is hands down, the most irresistible thing about the film. He gives you the required giddiness with a well blended smoothness.

It was all well in their life till they both lose their hearts to Nandita (Priyanka Chopra), a gorgeous cabaret dancer. With newly deployed ACP Satyendra (Irrfan Khan) looking for mistakes to arrest them, the bone of contention divides the duo Bikram and Bala which leads to their inevitable downfall.

Gunday is packed with action, emotions, friendship, drama and some terrific performances. Music by Sohail Sen is good but not great. Better music would definitely add to the film. The Action and cinematography is very good but some effects like the scene where Arjun Kapoor’s character blows up a godown is done in a tacky way.  

An entertaining film all in all a good catch for the Valentine Weekend!

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Ami Pandya

'Ever Learning, Ever Evolving, Never Giving up' sums up's Content Manager and passionate writer, Ami. She is a BMS graduate who has freelanced in the past with the top Indian newspapers and magazines. Apart from writing she also likes to indulge into travelling, photography and social work.

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