American Hustle is a fictional film, directed by David O. Russell and written by Eric Warren Singer and David O. Russell which revolves around a brilliant con man Irving Rosenfeld (Chrishtian Bale) and equally cunning British partner Sydney Prosser (Amy Adams). Both of them are forced to work for a wild FBI agent Richie DiMaso (Bradley Cooper) who pushes them into a world of Jersey powerbrokers and mafia that’s dangerous. Jeremy Renner is Carmine Polito who works as New Jersey political operator and he gets caught between the con-artists and Feds. Irving’s unpredictable wife Rosalyn (Jennifer Lawrence) could be the one who can bring the entire world crashing down.
Performances are good as every actor has got a defined role and displays their best talent. The actors have worked well on their 70’s look and both women Jennifer Lawrence and Amy Adams get fair share of attention and opportunity.
– Best Picture
– Directing, David O. Russell
– Original Screenplay, Eric Warren Singer & David O. Russell
– Actor, Christian Bale
– Actress, Amy Adams
– Supporting Actor, Bradley Cooper
– Supporting Actress, Jennifer Lawrence
– Costume Design, Michael Wilkinson
– Production Design, Judy Becker (Production Design); Heather Loeffler (Set Decoration)
– Editing, Jay Cassidy, Crispin Struthers and Alan Baumgarten