Movie Review : Jal – Simply Beautiful Emotional Entertainer!


Cast: Purab Kohli, Ravi Gossain, Tannishtha Chatterjee, Kriti Kulhari, Saidah Jules, Yashpal Sharma, Rahul Singh, Mukul Dev
Director: Girish Malik


Jal is a story of human emotions and simplicity that can touch your heart. The film deals with pertinent issue of water scarcity and its impact on people living in a village in the middle of the desert.

The film is set in Kutch where villagers struggle everyday for daily requirements of life. Bakka (played by Purab H Kohli) has the power to find water in the desert and the story traces his journey – his efforts, success, failures and love life.

Jal is a simple entertainer which has a love story, drama, suspense and well-essayed characters. 

Message of the film is rich people are willing to reach out and help birds and animals, but not humans. Based on Shakespearian tragic-stories,  Bakka gets his due only after his life.

Performance wise, Purab achieves over everyone else onscreen. Other actors in the film – Tannishtha Chatterjee as Purab’s lover, Saidah Jules as the foreign tourist trying to help birds get water, Mukul Dev as the villian, Yashpal Sharma as the corrupt police officer, Ravi Gossain as Purab’s friend – perfectly fit into their characters.



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