Movie Review : Naan Sigappu Manithan Is A Weird Entertainer!



Naan Sigappu Manithan (I Am A Red Man)
Direction: Thiru
Cast: Vishal, Lakshmi Menon
Running Time: 149 minutes

Naan Sigappu Manithan i.e. I Am A Red Man is a Love Thriller. Director Thiru who also penned the script had included stupid songs and situations and ends the movie abruptly with a mere excuse of narcolepsy.

Indran, played by Vishal suffers from narcolepsy and Meera played by Lakshmi Menon loves him. Her rich father is fine with cast differences but cannot do without an heir.

So, Meera takes Indran underwater to have sex (as water acts as antidote to sleepiness) and she gets pregnant. LOL. What a bizarre solution?

And what’s the end? Men and some friends are murdered for love, lust and revenge.

And guess what such a crappy movie has garnered more than 2.5 crores from Tamil Nadu on the release day.


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