Mr and Mrs Iyer-a delightful watch


download (2) download (1)                                                                                                                                                                                         Mr and Mrs Iyer is a 2002 Indian drama film written and directed by Aparna sen and produced by M venkatesan . The film features Aparna sen’s daughter Konkana Sen Sharma as Meenakshi iyer’ A Tamil iyer brahmin who is a Hindu. Rahul Bose portrays the character of Raja Chowdhury ,a Bengali Muslim wildlife photographer . The story revolves around these two lead characters during a fateful bus journey.A film director himself,was the cinematographer .

Mr and Mrs Iyer deals with many prevalent issues existing with in India is a social commentary on the class system,religious welfare and gender inequality .

This film is shot beautifully, the beauty of nature against the “uncivilized”capacity that we human have to bestow on one another. The script is written thoughtfully setting  charged dynamics between the main character Raja and Meenakshi Konkana Sen Sharma performance is delightful with her authentic accent and mannerism of a south Indian.Rahul Bose performance is sensual depth and breadth.

The wonderful thing about this film is that although it focuses on a particular situation,it illustrates issues that exist worldwide in all walks of life simply manifesting themselves in different situations. Mr. And Mrs Iyer is not your typical Bollywood movie because its rather short,has no songs,no stars is rather subtle but if it was a very heartfelt usually see in movie .it felt extremely sincere to me and the just cracked my heart.


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Riya Lokhande