Mr.Kartik Raichura, Founder & CEO of Management Paradise @ IES


Mr. Kartik Raichura Founder & CEO of Management Paradise, was invited as guest of honors at the IES International Marketing Conference 2011 along with Mr,. Avinash Dhakne Joint MD, MTDC and Key Note Speakers include Mr. Mukthar Querishi, Executive VP- Informedia18, Mr. Kinjal Medh, COO- Draft FCB Ulka, Mr. Krishna Saxena, CEO, Anuvi Chemicals, and many more & the theme of conference was “Changing Dynamics of Management through Innovation and Creativity”.

Mr. Kartik Raichura shared valuable insights on the innovative trends and strategies in the area of internet marketing. He also shared about his upcoming projects, one of which was the Brand Ambassador of Management Paradise. He also shared worthwhile tips or know how as far as Internet Marketing was concerned. Being a Youth Entrepreneur he also enhanced his presentation by sharing his personal experience.

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