MU ab bas kardo plz! We beg to you.


Yes, yet another article in response to student’s pleas from, there are so many colleges where students haven’t received their mark sheets yet and the students just don’t know where to go. The dates for filling up the KT and revaluation forms have long passed and yet these students are still awaiting their mark sheets.

These students don’t know whether they have to study for a Semester 5 KT, so they can’t start preparations. The semester 6 syllabus is on its own very tough and the suspense of a KT is killing them. The FM paper was very tough and after that debacle these students don’t want a repeat telecast in the next semester but with the indefinite delay they are completely at loss of knowledge as to what they must do.

In certain colleges the case is worse because the faculty and the coordinators are themselves not interested in looking into the matter. Without any guidance these students are facing a huge crisis. On condition of anonymity a student from a college in Andheri said that, “the worst part is the complete disinterest of the faculty in our problem. They are the only ones we can look up to for support and when they have given up on the university where should we go?” he asks.

Another similar case is being faced by a college in Kalyan and their students are feeling upset with the University for taking their career’s so lightly. “Why are they ensuring that we can’t clear our KT’s due to lack of preparation time and playing with our careers? Don’t they care even a bit about our plans for further studies or getting a job?” a disturbed student told us.

We all know that eventually the university is going to send out the results to the colleges who have been left behind, the only humble request from all students to them is to avoid such glitches and delays because for the university we are just a seat number but for us the university is the one who shall certify us as graduates and hence holds immense respect and reverence.

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