MU ruined more than 25k students lives by WRONGLY failing them in less than 2 years!



In the past year and a half, Mumbai University exam department has WRONGLY failed over 25,000 students in the exams conducted by MU reveals an RTI application. Since the information is confidential, the professors/examiners behind failing 25,000 students details could not be revealed. After revaluation, around 25,009 students were declared ‘pass’ and 832 students after retotaling of marks.

The problem obviously had taken place due to the carelessness of examiners and paper checkers. Moreover, revaluation results are declared after the ATKT exams making things worse for the students as they are forced to appear for ATKT exams despite of being at no fault.

MU compensates students for this blunder by refunding the exam fees if they have passed in the revaluation.

As per a university ordinance, the marks obtained after re-evaluation will be included in the marksheet of the candidate, but  the same “shall not be taken into account for the purpose of awards of scholarships or a top rank/medal”.

In the past, due to this, students have even lost their chance to become a topper of the university.


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