Mumbai- A City Which Never Sleeps



Life is a race, if you do not come first you’re not in the league to become an accomplished person a very famous line which is used a lot in this city by every Mumbaikar, work work and work is the only motto which works in this city that’s why it is so different from other cities, everyone who steps in this cities has nothing to lose but a millions of dreams to achieve, it has waved a path to thousands of people who have accomplished million’s of dreams, such a beautiful city is no ordinary city in India it is the finance capital of India,  worlds 2nd most busiest city and worlds 3rd most expensive cities in terms of real estate ‘Mumbai’. It has been a home to millions of people where all types of people live together eat together sleep together. It has welcomed everyone and everything with open arms and never stopped anyone, it has stood strong and powerful be it a natural disaster or a terrorist attack be it riots or bomb blast it has always been steady and life goes on to what it was in this beautiful city. Mumbai, originally called Bombay it belonged to the fisherman and then different type of people migrated and set up their business here, it has been a home to the Tata’s, the Birla’s and the Ambani’s who were nothing when they came here but became something when they left, Mumbai has been tagged as a city which never sleeps is because firstly it is very safe when it comes to travelling at night, night clubs, places to eat are always available in Mumbai at whatever time this is how Mumbai is, be it anything or everything Mumbai always has something to offer. On the 26th of November Mumbai was targeted by 10 terrorist who shattered the peace and wellbeing of every citizen who lived here, but this city showed that be it anyone there were not scared with the same intent and bravery people were up and running back to their offices, children back to school, businessman back to their business. The highlight of that day was the unity shown by each and every individual present there so what if you’re Muslim so what if you’re an Hindu your first a Mumbaikar. You are first an Indian! This was what was shown on the streets in the trains and conveyed a message loud and clear that we are one. Mumbai a city which never sleeps will never sleep this is a city where once you’re busy your always busy, time runs, people run, money runs and people who cannot run try to but can never catch up that’s how great my Mumbai is and always will. Mumbai a city which will never ever sleep.



Name- Aditya Monga



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Hello, Vanita Godwani, a fybms student of Jaihind College, hobbies are drawing and helping needy people.I loved being a social media correspondent at .I am interested in pursuing by post graduation and later work in a multinational company being a honest and good high post official


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