Mumbai Ka Asli Hero – 1916


clean up mumbai

While watching out the cleanliness quotient around our area or just thinking about the local sanitization problems we face in our everyday life, we always get annoyed and do nothing because we think it’s not our work so why should we bother besides we are so busy in our life that we are least bother for other things. But by such attitude we are not contributing to society. Looking at the other side of the same story there are still some people who do contribute by solving those problems or at least try and find way for it. According to me, what is important is realization. We should realize as an active citizen that there is a problem in our society and we as a people are solution for it.

So here’s how we can start. Considering BMC as our hero, majority of our issues can be solved. All we have to do is to just inform BMC about the issues in our area. Most of the time we blame BMC for our problem. But instead let us assume that BMC is here to help us and for that we have to help them by coordinating with them. Until now you must be thinking that why call them hero. It’s simple application of thought. What hero does? They solve our problem. They are there when we need them.

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1916 is our hero. It is a helpline number provided by Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporation (BMC) .If you find out any problems in or around your area which creates a lot of chaos and which is maintained by BMC, Just dial 1916 and file a complaint. A BMC employee notes down your complaint and provides you with your complaint number that you can use whenever you wish to know the status of your complaint. A citizen does not have to identify himself/herself to file the complaint.

One can also file complaint to MCGM website. Once you log on to complaint page, citizens need to identify themselves and describe the nature of their problems and hit the submit button. Here also, you will be provided with a complaint number to keep a track on your progress.

BMC Claims that your complaint will be solved in period of 3 to 4 days. But still if they aren’t solved, you can follow back them and know the status. Even after continuous follow ups, the problem is not solved one can go to their respective ward office and lodge a complaint over there.

So Mumbaikars, let’s get on duty to make this system work. In span of time, we would be proud of our city and more than that proud of ourselves.




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