Mumbai Messenger – Print Partner of Academic Excellence Awards 2015


Mumbai messenger


MUMBAI MESSENGER, The Local Newspaper that will serve local communities of Mumbai. The tabloid will be published weekly so that the people can get involved with new happenings in and around. It will be aimed at the News, Events and Community Information of Mumbai.

Our unique selling point will be different from someone else is that all Newspaper publish common news therefore we will publish exclusive local news, detailed information about the area as well as attractive offers.

This Newspaper will be consumed to the local area which has a high rate of youth happenings, hopefully our Newspaper will have an impact on teenagers guiding them the right way to life. The story is told from their point of view which could help others and be inspired to follow their foot steps. After reading the article about someone who had also been the same position they could feel like there is a way out of the street life.

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