Mumbai metro: Phase II.


The Government of Maharashtra through the MMRDA, in order to improve the traffic and transportation scenario in Mumbai and to cater to the future travel needs in the next 2-3 decades began exploring the viability of various alternative mass transit systems which are efficient, economically viable and environment friendly.  In this context, Mumbaikars were blessed with Metro running between Ghatkopar and Versova. And now, Metro Phase II is on its way to commence.

Mumbai Metro

Mumbaikars, who are commuting on Versova-Andheri-Ghatkopar metro line I, can expect the commissioning of one more metro line in next five years. Foundation stone for the 32.5 km underground Colaba-Bandra-Seepz Metro line 3 will be laid on August 26 in the presence of Maharashtra chief minister Prithviraj Chavan & in the presence of  union minister of urban evelopment minister M Venkaiah Naidu. It will be the first underground metro line in Mumbai, and will consist of 27 stations. The metro line will connect Cuffe Parade business district in the extreme south of the city to SEEPZ in the Western Suburbs with 27 underground stations The cost of this corridor is estimated at 23136 crore. The original deadline for the project was 2016, but it is currently expected to be completed in 2020. A Budget allocation of Rs 875.83 crore has been made in BE 2014-15 of union ministry of urban development for this project. This project is expected to be completed by December 2019.


Mumbai Metropolitan Region Development Authority with an objective of improving traffic and transportation scenario in Mumbai Metropolitan Region (MMR) appointed M/s. Delhi Metro Rail Corporation (DMRC) along with Tata Consultancy Services (TCS) and Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), Mumbai in May, 2003 to prepare the Master Plan for Mumbai Metro and the Detailed Project Report for priority corridors. The first Metro line, between Versova and Ghatkopar, has proved to be popular with Mumbaikars.

 – Tanvi Shah

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