Mumbai most livable city in India!

Mumbai- Most Liveable City!
Mumbai- Most Liveable City!

After the New Year celebrations there’s one more reason for Mumbaikar’s to celebrate as Mumbai has been declared as the most liveable city in India!

The Liveability index 2013 analyzed by the Institute for Competitiveness, India
declared Mumbai at number one position as the city jumped up two places from last year.

The Liveability index not only gauges the quality of life of a region but also takes into consideration the other crucial factors of development essential for the citizenry of a region. It is based on a framework, which is an evolved adaptation of the world-renowned diamond model of Michael E Porter, a Bishop William Lawrence Professor at Harvard University.

The model is based on eight core pillars that are demographic, education, health and medical standards, safety, housing option, socio-cultural-natural environment, economic environment, and planned environment. These pillars are further divided into 20 constituent sub-pillars.

Chennai and Hyderabad slipped one position each respectively from their last year’s and are placed at 2nd and 3rd rank respectively. Bengaluru has taken a jump of 6 places and is at 4th rank whereas Noida and Gurgaon have shown tremendous improvements on the overall index and are placed at 7th and 8th positions respectively.

New Delhi is back in the top 10 list of most liveable cities in the country and occupies the 5th position. Contrarily, Pune and Nagpur that were in the list of top ten have reached the 12th and 13th rank respectively in the liveability index 2013. The cities scored low on housing options and natural environment.

The bottom five cities on the liveability index 2013 are Agra, Raipur, Asansol, Kanpur and Patna. Clearly, indicating that they are the least liveable cities among the selected 50 Indian cities and need to improve.

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Ami Pandya

'Ever Learning, Ever Evolving, Never Giving up' sums up's Content Manager and passionate writer, Ami. She is a BMS graduate who has freelanced in the past with the top Indian newspapers and magazines. Apart from writing she also likes to indulge into travelling, photography and social work.


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