From a critical point of view let me point out some of the fact that have made me think about the utility of Monorail from perspective of Mumbaikar.
Few facts are listed regarding the non-utility of rail.
However the upgraded technology we are not ready to pay high price. Since the single ride from Wadala to Chembur single journey cost around Rs. 143, no sane person will opt for it. The BEST of the route can cost you 1/10th the total.
The fact that hurts me the most is that people from the city crowd the station on weekends to enjoy the picnic; as if the rail has been installed as a roller coaster. Look at cities like New-York and London where the same train is necessity rather than luxury.
No response from the public is causing heavy investment to go unjustified. Such project capital is huge borrowing which requires adequate revenue to fulfil obligation. If no one spends on the tickets, it causes additional deficit of losses and heavy interest rates.
Government enjoy perfect monopoly in railways (and 6 other sectors) resulting into indigenous technology is getting discouraged as government is continuously outsourcing such contracts. We should trust our own think tanks, so brain drain could be avoided.
The construction of the overhead bridge has been the most inconvenient to the daily road travellers. The construction had cause heavy traffic jams and road blocks in the sub-urban areas.
Heavy investment made on the project was from tax payer’s pockets and they are further required to pay additional money to travel by the rail.
Load on government expenditure has been a severe setback to the balance of payment position and caused a severe deficit balance in the city’s coffers.
Another major thing that draws attention of international media is the way the authority went ahead land acquisitions, SRF scheme was not implemented to the desired level and also many were left homeless. Such a bureaucracy should come to an end!!
Cheap components used to build the over head bridges and tracks have caused major embarrassment and resulted into numerous accidents. The loss of life due to such corrupt and sick reasons is a disgraceful event.
-Vibhav Galadagekar