Mumbai truly City of Joy!


Mumbai is truly the city of Joy, trust and hope and the news of a laundryman returning gold worth lakhs stands testimony to that fact.

Ram Dulare (40) operates a laundry shop from rented premises at Kudus village in Bhiwandigramin, around 100 km from Mumbai. His annual income is less than Rs 50,000, but on last Thursday returned the Rs 4 lakh worth of gold that a homemaker left behind in a bundle of saris.

A village laundryman and native of Uttar Pradesh, he has been staying in Kudus for five years and earns only Rs 4,000-5,000, out of which most of it goes in paying rent for his shop, in which he also lives. When Shushila Bhoir, a regular customer, had deposited some clothes, and he took them for ironing in the evening, he found nearly 14 tolas of gold with them.  He himself went to Shushila’s residence in the area and asked her if she had kept anything in the saris given to him. Unaware about the gold, Shushila denied having given him anything but the clothes.

Dulare said that he then showed her the jewellery and asked if it belonged to her. She got a shock on seeing the jewellery, and asked him where he had got it from. When Dulare explained that he had found it with the saris, she recalled that a few months back she had kept all her ornaments from the house locker with them, and without checking had given them to him for ironing.

“I am happy with my monthly earning, whatever I get from doing my work. If I would have stolen it, I would have cheated my customer, and I would have never been happy with it,” said an emotional Dulare.

Shushila was happy on seeing Dulare’s honesty and informed her family about the incident. Kudus villagers and those from neighbouring villages also appreciated Dulare act. Praful Patil, from a neighbouring village, said, “Dulare’s act is appreciable and it shows honesty still exists in society.”

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Ami Pandya

'Ever Learning, Ever Evolving, Never Giving up' sums up's Content Manager and passionate writer, Ami. She is a BMS graduate who has freelanced in the past with the top Indian newspapers and magazines. Apart from writing she also likes to indulge into travelling, photography and social work.


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