Mumbai University approves 75:25 policy for Internal exams from 2014-2015


From the next academic year, the internal assessment exam for undergraduate courses will not fetch students more than 25 marks.

After reviewing the 60:40 marks policy for three years, the academic council of the University of Mumbai on Monday finally approved the 75:25 policy for implementation from next year.

A decision on the policy for postgraduate courses was deferred until the next academic council meeting in May.

For undergraduate students, the 25 marks for internal assessment will be made up of two components: a test of 20 marks and five marks for responsible behaviour and performance
in class.

Though council members accepted the external assessment to internal assessment ratio of 75:25 for undergraduate courses, some members recommended that projects be a component of the internal assessment marks in postgraduate courses instead of a test.

Dean of commerce, Madhu Nair, said: “If project work is retained for internal assessment in PG courses, it cannot be cut down to 25 marks. The 40 mark for project in the current pattern includes 20 marks for project, and 10 marks each for presentation and viva.”

The 60:40 policy faced opposition from several quarters after it helped artificially spike the TYBCom results.Council members also initiated an inquiry into several complaints against the Vasantdada Patil College of Engineering in Sion, including running some classes in an unauthorized structure and poor infrastructure.

A three-member committee was set up to look into a report submitted by an earlier fact-finding committee. A council member said the fact-finding committee had recommended severe action including deaffiliation. Most members opposed deaffiliation and instead suggested part-affiliation.


Source: TOI

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