The brutal rape of a 23-year-old girl in Delhi last year, prompted many thinkers and writers to come together and pen a book on issues related to women. The book ‘Nirbhaya: Ek atmachintan’ was published by University of Mumbai and was presented on Monday, December 16 to mark the anniversary of the Delhi incident.
On this occasion honourable Justice Chandrashekhar Dharamadhikari said that after the Delhi gangrape, the anger and resentment shown by the youth of India should be truly applauded. New questions could not be solved by old weapons and technique. The origin of right comes from the cushion of following duties, he said. Not only this but the government and the police should realize that only for the fulfilment of duties, rights are being conferred upon them.
At the event, vice chancellor of the university, Rajan Welukar, expressed that empowerment of women in every sphere of the society is the need of the hour.
The former Vice Chancellor of the university, Snehalata Deshmukh also said that women empowerment in political and social spheres of the society is the need of the hour.
Justice Dharamadhikari has written the prologue for the book and it is edited by Welukar. Many notable writers and thinkers have given valuable inputs for this book. Among them are Nirja Dhulekar, Kumar Ketkar, Vijaya Wad, Asha Bage, Praveen Davane, Uma Vaidya, Judge Mrudula Bhatkar, etc. The writers have given their inputs and thoughts on various topics of women empowerment in economic, social and political spheres, the rights which are given to them and issues of their safety, in the book.
Source: TOI