Music : A Getaway From Stress




Musical melodies have tremendous power to soothe minds, touch hearts, burry hatchets and much more. Music is a form of art with which a single tune has the strength to reach millions. It has the power to spread across generations. It has been prevalent from the times the King’s ruled and had the charm to bowl over mighty kings and warriors. Music dwelled in each person’s soul and thus conquered every noble heart.

Music defies every divide and has its own culture to follow. It doesn’t discriminate on any basis. In fact music gets people together, makes them forget bitterness and rivalry. One beat of music can get everyone on the groove. This is the reason that musicians or in better words artists are respected across the globe. Rihanna, Britney Spears, Justin Beiber have a huge fan following in Asian countries since it’s their music which appeals to the youth and strikes a chord with them.  AR Rahman won the Oscars and made India proud because of his soulful music. Sonu Nigam and the latest entrant Arijit Singh have many admirers in the west. These are just the singers but there are many artists involved in creating beautiful musical melancholies.

Music is a great hobby for many and some do pursue it skilfully. But most of us have an ear for music. India is known for its classical music which has varied forms. The rise and widespread presence of radio is testimony to India’s love for music. But in today’s highly complex and tiring times music acts like a stress buster for most of us. It is still a form of entertainment for many but the increasing work hours and pressure situations at work is increasing the stress levels. People are finding comfort and peace in music. It helps them rejuvenate.

More and more people today are opting for live music. Most of the restaurants today cater to the needs of the customer and have live musical shows on weekends like ghazal nights, pop music, jazz performance, etc. There are many who visit musical programs with live orchestras. It’s a nice way to spend ones weekend. Music today is successful is addressing the foremost problem of the human mind which leads to restlessness, tiredness, irritation, frustration, anxiety, etc.

Whether its old songs or new; instrumental, religious, devotional, bollywood, etc whichever makes you happy do tune on to make your life happy and stress free.



–         Anjani M Nautiyal


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  1. Very true my sweet heart….
    also here I would like to add that for parent like us to listen to the continues bad bad of there kids is also part of a good music to there ears.

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