Music – Life To The Soul



‘’Music washes away from the soul the dust of everyday life.’’ Berthold Auerbach

The above quote describes so much in few words. The music we listen speaks more about us than we could ever speak about ourselves. That is the power of music. Well, we are very well aware of the wonders that music does to us like lifting our mood and making us feel lively. On the other part, some music can make you sad and depressed. This shows the power of music on our mindset and well being

For most of us, music is a part of our daily commute, its better hear music then to hear the locals shouting at the top of their voice in our local trains. Some people turn up their favorite track to stay pumped during the workout. I hope there would be someone like me, who has their stereo on while doing anything and everything

So now there is no doubt anymore and it’s proved that music has certain effects on our minds and our bodies. All forms of music may have therapeutic effects, although music from one’s own culture may be most effective. In Chinese medical theory, the five internal organ and meridian systems are believed to have corresponding musical tones, which are used to encourage healing.

Types of music differ in the types of neurological stimulation they evoke.

For example, classical music has been found to cause comfort and relaxation while rock music may lead to discomfort.

Music may be used with guided imagery to produce altered states of consciousness that help uncover hidden emotional responses and stimulate creative insights. Music may also be used in the classroom to aid children in the development of reading and language skills. Receptive methods involve listening to and responding to live or recorded music. Discussion of their responses is believed to help people express themselves in socially accepted ways and to examine personal issues.

So now when we know how music works for us, going ahead with a musical treatment is advisable than the ‘magical pills ‘we consume.


Freny Sachde 

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