My Bhabhi’s Lip Smacking Easy To Make Noodles Recipe



OK guys, raise up your hands on who loves noodles?? I am sure all have got their hands up!! Remember those days when you crave for delicious food. Something different rather than food and yet filling you up instantly, the only thing pops up in head was instant maggi or instant packet noodles!! Which anyone can make it? Yeah, guys from nerd to the person who never entered kitchen or even seen the sight of kitchen can make it and divulge into these tasty treat which is the saviour for most of the people and students staying away from their home or in hostels and boarding schools / colleges!! Or for people who just crave a midnight snack… (Like I do always..wink wink!) I would say it is a “comfort home food” away from home! But now you can make your own noodles and your own added flavors and ingredients available at home too!! Guys, noodles have seen a major evolution in past years. Imagine just a mere packet of maggi are the answer to noodles and now there is variety of flavors available to satisfy our taste buds!! From a classic masala to some eastern country produced exotic flavors soothing us and even meeting our requirements all in a grab away distant from us in any supermarkets or small shops or in our very kitchen. And now those very noodles have come a long way from a kid’s lunch box to multinational cuisine 5 star hotels and places over the world!!! From the basic noodle salad…. To noodle soups… Starters … Main course and now even into dessert they have grabbed our lustrous attention and utmost desire to have them…! Guys I am already craving for a hot bowl of delicious and comforting quick food and my version of noodles in this cool  wintry climate… Go guys, enjoy your noodles and create your own recipes too…

sandwich noodles!!

Sandwich Noodles Recipe

Serves- 2


Oil as per required
Butter 2 tsp over each side of bread
Cheese 2 slices of any cheese available
1 big Onion
2 medium size tomato
1 medium size bell pepper
Paneer as per required in less quantity(optional)
1 tsp turmeric
1 tsp chili powder
1 clove big size garlic
1 tbsp soy sauce(optional)
1 tbsp of tomato n chili ketchup
Salt as per taste
2 pieces of jumbo Sandwich bread
1 masala or chicken maggi packet


Take  deep pan pour oil, add onion and garlic sauté it till golden brown and add vegetable and cook it in medium flame, see to it that it doesn’t burn,  add paneer in it.. then put on all the spices, sauces and add maggi in it with its tastemaker and prepare it as per the instructions, make sure not to make it soupy.. When the water is vanished away take it out of flame and keeps it aside… Take the bread pieces, introduce those pieces of cheese slices on each side of bread spread the maggi contents into it.. Close it… Take a flat pan and heat it in low flame, add that butter on each side of bread and flip it don’t cover the sandwich…till get crunchy golden brown and remove it to enjoy with your tea or coffee or any cold beverage…

So hope that you guys enjoy this recipe and this is proved a good snack like it was a savior for my bhabhi in her hostel days!!!!!!!!!


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Shabnam Mukadam
Student at Pillais institute of arts, commerce and science. An humble F.Y.B.Com student. Hobbies are reading and writing.


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