My first and worst day of Thakur college


The day began with my cell ringing many times, I was in deep sleep. Just than my mom exclaimed, “Switch of the cell phone if u don’t want to pick up the call”. For the first time in my life I agreed to her suggestion without any excuse.  Just when I was about to cut the call and switch off my cell, I saw “Nisha calling” striking on my cell. Nisha and I are childhood buddies. So I thought of answering the call instead of missing it. I still remember it was just 6.00 am.

Nisha yelled out in anger “I have been calling you since the past 30 minutes” to which I calmly replied and asked the reason for her calling me up so early. In a blistering voice she said that she had told me that our college for BMS starts today and that it was compulsory to attend it.  I sprang up from my bed, rushed towards my cupboard to find out what clothes to wear. I am not a fashion fiesta, but I have had heard that the crowd of Thakur college have a great taste in Fashion. They are all dressed properly head to toe.

Just when I was wasting my time deciding all this I realized that I have my college at 7.00 am and that I was getting late. It normally took 30 minutes for me to reach college even If I travelled by rickshaw. Grabbing out the clothe that I bought recently, I got ready. I reached college.  I believe Thakur College has a vast campus. The clock was striking 6:50 am. I was happy that I atleast managed to reach on time.

I was about to enter the college, just then I saw the all time famous “khadus watchman”. He is famous. People who do not belong to that college even know him. He does not allow anyone to enter the college without an I-card. I was in a really hurry to reach college and so I forgot to carry my I-card. The watchman was not allowing me to enter the college. I pleaded a lot, but he was not just ready to listen to anything. My senior during my school times saw me. He understood that I had forgot my I-card. Though he was my senior we were good friends. He sort of escorted me and asked me to leave as he wont allow. Then he told me that he was very well aware with the functioning of college and said that we could enter from the back gate.

He repeated many times that if the watchman at the back gate calls you, do not listen just escape. We entered from the back gate and the watch man over there asked me for the I-card. We pretended that we did not hear him and started walking as fast as we could. He was yelling out loud asking for the I-card but we just rushed out from there. My senior dropped me to my class and he left.  I was late, I realized.

I knocked the door and entered the class. Every one was looking at me as if  getting late by 10 minutes is a crime. I saw Nisha sitting at the third bench. She had reserved a seat for me. I went and sat besides her. Just then she pulled the tag from my t-shirt and said that this was the reason why every1 was surprised looking at me. I was all embarrassed.

Our Teacher asked us to give our introduction. And when It was my turn I gathered all my courage and started to speak. The first word I uttered was Gooood morning. Yes I extend the Good that long and every one over there had a laugh. I was all embarrassed I went back to my seat and attended all the lectures remaining really quiet. Since it was the firs day we had only 2 lectures after which I left. I hardly talked to anyone that day. But this was something I can never forget.

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Sunita Sharma

I am a student of Thakur college of Science and Commerce currently pursuing my BMS. I am planning to do MBA in HR after my graduation.


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