My first day at JES College


It was just another day in my life, where I never thought that something memorable was about to happen. On the day when college started, I was quite afraid. To top it all, I was late. As I reached near the classroom, I paused and took a deep breath. I was nervous as ever. I adjusted my bag and finally gathered courage to step into the classroom. New teachers, new classmates, new college –just thinking about it was making my feel, shy and comfortable. I took a look around the class and saw a few students already sitting. Everyone turned to look at me. Nervous, I quickly took the first bench in the second row to avoid their curious looks .finally, the teacher entered the class. She introduced herself and informed us that she would be teaching us business communication. She also asked us to introduce over selves. After the introductions, she started teaching the subject. She explained to us what business communication is all about. Sometime later, the coordinator came to check the strength of the class. After the lecture, everyone started to interact with each other. I am usually a shy person and don’t talk much with others .so I just took a look around the classroom and told myself that this is where I will be spending the next three years. Then another teacher came to inform us of the next day’s timings and soon we were asked to go home. The first day came to end. I really enjoyed the day. All my classmates seemed to be quite friendly and sweet. I made about two or three friends too. It has been quite some time since college started but I am thoroughly enjoying it. All our teachers are very friendly and teach very well. I can understand everything that is laught to us. They ask us to be very frank with them and share whatever we feel quite freely. The college provides good facilities and has a good computer lab and library. I enjoy going to college and am confident that my decision to join BMS has been the right one.

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