My first day at Nagindas Khandwala College


I leapt deep into my bag ,for the fee receipt was the hidden treasure . I recalled the instance I dumped the receipt into the zip of my bag. The watchman at the gate stood gazing as if I was the criminal he intended to catch. I never took note that a fee receipt acts as the ticket to entrance in the college premises. After prolonged search I smelled victory. After that I flaunted my receipt as if I had won a cheque signed by Amithabh Bachan . As I moved in , I started sensing nervousness.  As I gulped down my trembling fear , I checked out my classroom details on the notice board. Yes ofcourse I am talking about the notice board which goes unnoticed . 5 th floor..!!!!!

God ! Are these people so concerned about student exercise? I was about to step onto the stairs when my left eye caught a glimpse of the lift . Eureka !!! I ran towards it like I met my long lost brother , to find a big queue.

Being the last one in the queue I glanced back to find someone who’s state was far worse than me. I caught a pair of eyes looking back at me. The curly hair was evident of him being a south Indian. In some time I noticed a wide grin on my face and I couldn’t stop blushing.

When I ended in my class I couldn’t bear all the eyes on me. No body looked familiar and I felt like a complete stranger. But I ended up meeting this curly haired guy again looking at me. I looked down and sat on a bench with a girl. The teacher entered and introduced everything about bachelor of management studies. She was supposedly teaching law. When she listed the 38 subjects to be learnt I reconsidered the idea of taking this course. When she started teaching on the first day itself I had my wits at hand. I studied myself of how I washed my hair well enough so that there is not a single drop of oil left. Moreover leaving it open helped my strands fly which gave that actress look. The lecture was boring and I couldn’t stop exploring the benches  , the fans ,  the ceiling and the black board and ofcourse the curly haired guy. Later when the lectures got over I wanted to visit the loo and I asked some girl who seemed to be the senior . She politely explained the direction and I ended up before the boys washroom.

And to my horror all the guys stood staring at me like I was an alien. Sure I was .!!!

I ran down with all my energy and stopped when I reached outside the gate.I looked back but laughed at myself . After all it was not so bad either ,for it was my first day in college.

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Studing Bms second year in Nagindas Khandwala College. Has immense interest in reading, writing, dancing and shows active participation in college activities Loves hosting events. A happy go lucky girl who loves to spend time with family and friends


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