My First day at Sathaye College


Was Running in very hurry, feeling very afraid .it was already late. I reached near the class room. Took time and breath too .I adjusted my bag for a while and enter into the room. Everyone was looking at me like what the hell am I doing here or like we can say I have stolen their girlfriends’ pen. But it was nice experience of feeling like getting insulted. I occupied first desk in the second row. Till the time everyone Was looking at me . Girl besides me  ,Let it be ‘X’, gave me a strawberry smile . I felt motivated. My maths teacher was solving the problem on the board, as whole subject is problematic for me can’t really help it .let it be , so she was solving the problem but frankly speaking my mind was somewhere else. Thinking of making  new friends, my mom said that don’t make any friend. Friend is an only reason why people become bad  . but for me it was not that much great sentence .I have crossed all the limits of being bad boy. Actually first day means just an introduction lecture or we can say its just a TP lecture. But my maths teacher changed its meaning . our coordinator came in between the lecture to check the strength of the class .all stuff were happening uncertainly, simultaneously .after lecture everyone started talking each other, introducing own self by  their style, attitude and many other things .as per my habit I have kept quiet and left the classroom, thinking of all the random stuff happening with me no connection, no time relation, nothing  it was just happening. For a while I thought I am not BMS student ,might be I was behaving like ART student ,I was started thinking philosophy .a very new serious attitude came from inside like the phoenix .and met the thunderbolt. Heart were saying feel it and mind were opposing it. I could not even recollect I forgot my umbrella, I just wanted to take break for all incidences , just wanted to get rest. Everything was looking new, boys, girls, mat finished benches, classrooms, college, even though myself . only sentence came to my mind was ‘if this start is so terrible than what would be the end ’ and I went for home .I was keep on thinking about BMS dept. that  day and today also thinking the same and feeling extraordinary………….

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Kulbhushan Sawant
I am studying BMS in sathaye college.


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