My first day at Sterling College


Most peoples first day at college is the most stressful day of their lives because they don’t know what to expect or they just don’t want to go through an embarrassing situation, but for me it was the most exciting day of my life. First, I met new people, second it was a whole new experience for me in which success depended on me, and third it was the first day that I started studying something that I really liked. So guys this is my story.You may at first instance find it a bit boring.But still its my true story.Yes,the story of my first day in the college.This day was my life’s biggest day.The day was a good Monday and the date was 10th July2011. It was raining slowly that day.As it was first day of my college i thought i should be more stylish.I wore a full sleeves T-shirt and a jeans  with black shoes and set my hair with a “cool” type hairstyle.It was my dream to study with my besties in degree college.That was the day my dream came true.The name of the college is “sterling college of arts ,commerce & science”.Its a degree as well as junior college. The lecture was at 8:00 am.I was there by 8:35 am.I entered the class i saw a mam whose teached me in my junior clg. mam asked me with a cute smile why u late u know the lec is almost finished .i told her itz raining maim thatz why i came to lecture late.she said k k come in and sit in the class i entered and saw There was only few friend of mine which was from same clg.Rest all were new to me.So I sat with my junior clg friend then mam said everyone introduce youself all gave their introduction and I too introduced myself.after some time a very funny type sir came in the lecture room.Then he teched us law for1 hour.It was very boring afterwards i went with my friends in i.t lab and opened fb but soon sir caught us and give us a big lec like do only subject related work no social networking sites next time i will fine u 500rs if i caught u again using fb or any social networking site.

rises time i came outside with my friend then we went to clg canteen and had some food .after rishes we decided to bunk remaining 2 lectures and we bunked and went a garden near by our clg and enjd alot .I felt a new rhythm of life and returned home with a mixed sense of duty and liberty.

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Ravi Agnihotri
I am a person who is positive about every aspect of life. There are many things I like to do, to see, and to self ravishankar agnihotri student at sterling college of arts,commerce & science doing bms and in tybms love to write articles,poems etc


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