My First day of BMS College Writing Contest 2013


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On the very 1st day of your BMS College, did these things happen to you:


Did you change your “Champu” hairstyle to a “cool dude” look?

Did you find all new faces in the classroom except a few school friends?

Were you empty handed with no books, pen and were removed from the classroom?

Did you go crazy after seeing a special someone in the class?

Did you encounter a strict type sir and a polite mam taking lectures?

Did seniors play a prank on you or welcomed you with a smile?

After knowing that you gotta learn 38 subjects and commit yourself with assignments, projects, presentations, internal tests etc. throughout the 3 years make you feel that you should have opted for some other course?



How creative can be your BMS College story in 300-500 words?



Enter our BMS Writing contest – July 2013


Theme – My First day of BMS College

(All FYBMS, SYBMS, TYBMS, BMS Graduates and Alumni are eligible to participate)


To participate in the contest, follow the below steps:

1. Send in your articles at [email protected]

2. In the Email Subject line, please follow the following:

Email Subject line: “Your Name _ College Name _ Article Title”

3. Send in your articles in .doc/.docx format with font size 11 (Times New Roman). Maximum word limit 300-500 words.

4. File Name: Your Name_College Name_Article Title

5. DO NOT send copyright articles or copied content. Any entry found copied/plagiarised would be disqualified.

6. Send your Full name, Contact No., photo and a short introduction about yourself in 4 lines (for creating your author bio on website)




Writing Contest Prize Package:

  • Cash prize of Rs. 1,000/-
  • College/Laptop Bag of Rs. 500/-
  • 1 month Your Fitness Club’s membership worth Rs. 2,500/-
  • Book titled “Get Promoted, Get Noticed” by Ajay Wahi
  • Discount vouchers worth Rs. 1000/-
  • Exposure of your story in BMS e-Newsletter sent to 10,000 email subscribers
  • All Participants to get an e-certificate of appreciation and 7 day trial voucher of Your Fitness Club


 Last date to submit entries: 31st July 2013

Results Declaration: 10th August 2013


Prize Sponsors:

yfc logo










Management Treasures Group

 getNotice PROMOTCOVER.jpg



The views and opinions that would be expressed in the Contest Articles are those of authors and do not in anyway represent the views of

The organisers reserve the right to cancel or postpone the competition if few entries are received by the closing date.

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We, at, believe in sharing knowledge and giving quality information to our BMS students. We are here to provide and update you with every details required by you BMSites! If you want to join us, please mail to [email protected].


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