My first day of BMS in MMK college, Bandra

I was nervous. Very nervous indeed. It was the first day of degree college. I had missed the orientation so I had absolutely no idea about what I’m getting myself into. Early that morning, I got up early and spent half an hour deciding what to wear. You know how they say, ‘the first impression always last’. I reached college and it took me 10minutes to finally find my class. I was pretty sure that I wont be seeing any familiar faces as I shifted from Dubai this year for my bachelors degree.
I seated myself on the last bench as soon as the first lecture began. It was Business law. The professor was really nice and gave us an overview about our long journey of attaining the BMS degree. We were told that we had 38 subjects divided into 6 semesters compared to other non self financing courses where they had to study less than half the portion we had to. It was quite terrifying to be honest. The best part about BMS is that we didn’t have to completely depend on our written examination, we had 40% internals where we had to make projects and presentations. That was a great relief as I personally think public speaking and interaction can really benefit us later in life. We were also told about the Industrial Visits which seemed very exciting!
We had a round of introduction where all the 60 students introduced themselves and gave a short description. We had a 15minutes break after the first lecture where the seniors came and told us about the freshers party. The day wasn’t going all that bad after all! A freshers party was a great way to get to know all our classmates and make new friends. The seniors seemed very friendly and eager to help. We were relieved that there wont be any ragging! The day seemed longer than usual and quite a few times the professors spotted one or two boys sleeping at the back of the class, but they were excused since it was the first day.
By the end of the day I noticed there were small small groups of people already being formed. There was the smart people group, the mischevious boys group, the pretty girls group and well, my group. The 1st day was surprisingly awesome. I hope the rest of the year goes by just as easily 🙂

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Manaal Memon


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