My FYBMS Life at MCC College




Everybody says that the college life is one of the best phase of our education life, but you don’t actually feel it till you start living that life. Especially, commerce students have more fun in their college as compared to science students or so.

The duration of Commerce College generally is two and a half hour in a day, which gives them plenty of time to hang out with friends, party around and enjoy their college life in real manner.

As everybody else, I was also excited about my new college life. So today am going to tell you about my experience in my college. The college life was completely new to me because I completed my 12th standard from a school, as for others, they directly came from their junior college so they knew about unspoken college rules like- call your seniors by their names or the starting benches of the class should be empty or the entirely different kind of dressing sense with people are so worried about their hairstyle and make up.
The day I entered my college, I was so nervous because I heard a lot about bullying in newspapers and I was also excited because I was going to meet new people. I was going to start a new phase of college life. I saw 75 different people at the same time in my class and I knew none of them, after sometime I noticed that everyone in our class was equally nervous as I was. Our seniors entered our class in the break, they introduced themselves and about the college, they all were so friendly that I didn’t even think about them as my seniors and then I realised that’s why we call them by their names. They are more of our friends than seniors.
Time passed and we were close to our college fest INSPIRA, we bonded more with our second year and third year. We all did marketing together and then public relations (PR), and at the time of preparation of college fest, I realised the fun of being in the commerce college. No matter how much I write I will never be able to express it in true sense. The kind of excitement that everybody had, the responsibility to take the BMS department to the next level, the happiness of being a part of college fest was amazing. That was basically a learning period of freshers. Unity in the department can be seen by eveybody. No matter you are from which year, the BMS crowd always stand in unity and for each other.

That INSPIRA made me feel that like my college, BMS department have a really great reputation in every college. When you say that you are from BMS department, automatically your level and your reputation rises. We are the department who is supposed to manage all other departments. Be proud to be a BMS student. Enjoy your college life, study, participate in events and party always, because guys its just 3 years and it will pass and will never come again.

college life 




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If you are searching for an all rounder, enthusiastic, energetic and a person who always want to try something new......that's me :-) :-)


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