My journey of BMS (Bachelor in Management Studies)


BMS  (Bachelor in Management Studies)

I, Miss Maitri Vyas, a student of BMS, which is a self financing course. After completing my HSC, I decided to go for BMS course as I am willing to do MBA after my T.Y.BMS.

So here my journey begins..

First day of my college as a normal student I was very nervous even my friends were not there with me and because of all this I was very nervous. Many questions came across my mind like how will I make new friends? How will be my teaching staff? How will I cope up with presentations, skits, debates and many more? Then one teacher came in our class as it was her lecture and she told us to write any topic’s name of our choice and then she told us to pick up the chit and speak randomly on the topic for a minute. Because I had a stage fear I was more anxious. Later it was my turn and I spoke for a minute in “My favorite food item” and luckily I spoke well.

The days passed, I did all my presentations, all my skits, all my debates very well. People praised me, teachers also praised me and then I got the confidence within myself. Later our exams started and I was surprised as I stood first in the whole BMS faculty. I was on the seventh heaven. Everyone in my family as well as my friends were happy for my success. My teachers praised me, motivated me further for the same result. Now I am in 3rd Semester of my BMS. Again my life was fully occupied with presentations, exams, projects. There was a week when I was frazzled and I thought to get rid of all this. Later as usual I performed well in my projects, presentations as well as exams.

By taking BMS I had overcome all my stage has become like my family. All my friends are very helpful, coordinative, caring, and fun-loving.  We all are like family. In my journey of BMS I met two friends “Shreya & Sara” who are like my sisters now. We 3 of us complete our friendship.

This is my journey of BMS wherein I have experienced my thriller things, good things, bad things. But whatever it is I am enjoying this field a lot and making more and more new friends and I hope this journey continues to be like this with full of enthusiasm, new experience, new hopes every day.



By Maitri Vyas

Bhavans College, Andheri (W)


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