My Mumbai And My Vada-Pav!



Vada Pav and Mumbai are indispensable. The stuffed potato inside a small bun with salted chilly and Mumbaikars love for it is imminent.  People of Mumbai like Vada Pav as much as Congress likes corruption.  Mumbaikars have the ability to eat vada pav infinite number of times a day. In Mumbai, at least 100,000 vada pavs are consumed daily.

You will find a Vada Pav vendor at every corner in Mumbai. Every born Mumbaikar has its favorite vada pav wallah, usually found outside colleges, bus and train stations and office districts.  This lip smacking street food is the hot seller in our city. To say Mumbaikars live on Vada Pav would not be an overstatement. It used to be “poor man’s food”, but these days even the rich and famous can be spotted eating it at Mumbai’s numerous roadside food stalls!

Mumbaikar’s made Vada Pav a huge hit and this conventional mumbaiyya staple food acquired collaborations from all over world. There was soon the Schezwan vada pav, with Chinese influences, cheese vada pav, which included a nice scattering of grated processed cheese that melted deliciously and coated teeth and potato alike; Jain vada pav that catered to religious sensibilities and eliminated onion, garlic and potatoes and a luxury version that came with cashew nuts, raisins and the occasional and startling syrupy maraschino cherry.

With modernization, the age-old unorganized style of selling Vada Pav is getting organised. The Jumbo King, Goli Vada Pav and the Shiv Sena’s Shiv Vada Pav made their own niche in the business. So far, so good. These branded Vada Pav chains have plans to establish themselves as pan-Indian brands with a presence extending over several hundred outlets.  As a concept, though, vada pav in a formal, restaurant setting is yet to take off.

Served hot along with the chutney, it’s an absolute treat to the taste buds. Since it’s spicy when you have it hot it makes it gives that strong tingling effect, alerting all your senses. Easy on pocket, this desi style burger is way tastier than the American burgers. In city like Mumbai, this recipe that appeases the hunger of the rush of commuters who want a snack they could carry and munch on without needing implements or cleansing wipes has gained an iconic status and will forever be the favorite.

– Tanvi Shah

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