My Summer Internship at (2014) By Anjani M. Nautiyal


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My Summer Internship at (2014)

New environment, bossy people, long working hours with no pay or limited stipend, no appreciation or credit for hard work, etc are the first few things that come to one’s mind when a person thinks about summer internship. Summer internships are very important and many people stress on the experience one could get and it advantages but often there are prerequisite thoughts or side effects post the internship if I may say so.

However things were quite different for me, luckily. The summer internship at was quite exciting right from the first time my college professor mentioned it to me. The mail mentioning the internship details made me more excited. I looked at it not only as an opportunity to learn new things and garner experience but also as a means to fulfil my primary passion of writing and display it on an online platform.

Things just got better when I received a call from Ami after she received my CV. From her tone to the way she went on explaining things I could feel the energy and enthusiasm right across the phone and by the end of it I just wanted to be a part of this gusto team. I actually felt little yellow butterflies in my stomach when she told me that I could start from the next day.

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The content plan and the ample amount of guidance was a great start off. Writing became fun day by day and the responses were a great deal of encouragement. Meeting new people through this platform and connecting on the love for writing was an amazing experience as each one brought a new dimension to the whole idea. Every article was beautiful and a very good teacher.

The biggest takeaway for me was the various tools of social media to which I got exposed to through I loved writing but they gave me a platform to express my thoughts. I also learnt the little nuances such as editing, formatting, presentation etc. But the most important lesson was how to write from the perspective of the reader. It’s through this internship that I realized that I had to write what interests my readers and not me. How to use social media to promote one’s work was a bonus for me. Even though I was an active user of social media it is through this internship that I explored the various opportunities it offers and how one can use it.


It was one of my best experiences of working as a summer intern with because they gave me the freedom to express myself along with ample guidance and support. I would like to thank Kartik Sir, Parvathy Maam and Ami for giving me this wonderful opportunity and to every individual I came across as I learnt a lot from your writings and our interactions. Kudos to the entire team.

To all those who hesitate from summer internships… I’d just say don’t because you’ll may just turn down something fabulous simply because it’s wrapped up in uncertainty. Internship at is definitely different from the regular ones because there is a lot of learning enveloped in fun. If you guys feel passionate about writing and wanna be heard then this is your stage.. Go for it!

Learning never stops, I guess it just changes forms. Summer internships are a great way to learn and develop. This would be my parting thought to all my readers who have supported and encouraged me. A big Thank You for your appreciation. I do hope I get another chance in the future to connect to you again. Signing Off

–       Anjani M Nautiyal

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