My Valentine

First and foremost Happy Valentines Day to all the people. Today on the occasion of Valentines Day, I’m here to say something about my Valentine. No! No! don’t get me wrong when i say my Valentine. I’m not going to share anything about my girlfriend, as i ain’t got any.
Being a Third Year Student, I don’t even have any time to waste. So for me my books and my work acts as my Valentine. Actually it is very much recommended to spend a quality time with your Books than wasting it with your girlfriend.
Spending a quality time with your books or Loving what you do can help you in being successful. As One of a friend said it

A Bright future can give you many Dashing boys/girls,

but a Dashing boy/girl cannot give you a bright future.!

So friends concentrate on your studies than impressing girls. Padhai karo, Life Banao. 🙂
what say? correct Na!

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Ganesh Kamath

Hello, this is Ganesh Kamath. I am a TYBMS student. I am a friendly guy, love to make new friends. I love being simple and realistic. Here to share to my views and to learn more about the outside world. I hope and except you help me with this. :)


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