My Wonderful BMS Life At BCCA Institute of Management Studies


I always wanted to write
About the wonderful years I spent as a BMS-ite.
Write about, those 3 years that brought a total change in my personality and added memories that were worth thousands of years.
Those splendid beautiful years as a CR which didn’t taught me just to lead but taught me and drove the innate ability to follow!
And whom to acknowledge for making these 3 years unforgettable?


Obviously people who were associated and formed an integral part of the entire journey.
But most importantly were the friends, the colleagues I got, the class that I was a part of!
My normal day as a BMSite would never start unless I heard a big bash of laugh erupting from the last benchers for the pranks being played on the front benchers nor it would end with a few being kicked out resulting in a brief one week break from the pranksters!
From those pranks to those innocent looks that were brushed up on getting spotted, every day was different in itself.


Yes we did have a lot of fun and got to see the wildest of all but the thing that was peculiar among us was we always a class of 40+ students were a team.
We did have a situation of internal cold wars, however today when I look back I realize that they were essential part that nourished and made the bond even more stronger!

We had the most pleasant times on the IV.
Though a limited people joined but an ultimate spectrum of fun and gala time was the realm for our never ending joy and happiness.



Today when I look back,
I realize that I may be, was the most luckiest person.
I got what I required to lead as well as follow.
I got support that anchored my ideas in the mindsets of people.
I got love that attached me to the bonds of never ending friendships.
I got respect that made me realize the true value myself possess.
I got an opportunity that made me create a lasting impression in the hearts of people.
If it would not be BMS, my colleagues, my friends, the class that I was a part of I would have not been what I am today, the memories which bring a smile on me today, the value and the lasting impression to create today!
Indeed I was blessed for the sake of my good fate with priceless memories, priceless treasures and priceless friends: – That became the Precious Possessions of My Life!


BCCA Institute of Management Studies
Batch 2014-15

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