Na-Mo 100 days Government


With the Narendra Modi government completing 100 days, the BJP is all set to flaunt its achievements right from style of functioning to GDP growth figures. The party will highlight steps taken by the government to ensure that the message reaches the people across the country, a BJP leader said.

While the government’s list of accomplishments would be limited to policies and announcements, the BJP was likely to add political flavour to it. A party leader said Modi had refrained from opposition bashing over the past three months, taking his speeches beyond political rhetoric.

The BJP, which has got a full majority for the first time, will focus on the changes in governance ever since the NDA came to power. This includes the functioning of the bureaucracy, people’s approach to government, business conducted in budget session in comparison to the UPA regime, MPLADs and expenditure, sources said.

A party leader said BJP will tell the people that Modi has gone beyond slogans and started implementing promises. The aim of the party, which faces elections in Maharashtra, Haryana, Jharkhand and Jammu and Kashmir this year, was to reach out to the people in the remotest part of the country about its government’s schemes.

The strategy was part of the government-BJP initiative. The party has already set up a committee for coordination to publicise and implement social welfare schemes like the Jan Dhan Yojna.

On Monday, human resource development minister Smriti Irani held a press conference at the party headquarters to clear the air on issues concerning her ministry following controversy over Modi’s interaction with students on Teachers’ Day and criticism by some opposition parties over “guru utsav”.

Party chief Amit Shah, addressing a party convention in Kerala, said the policy initiaves in the first 100 days indicated the beginning of “good days ahead”. However, there are issues on which the party would prefer to be silent. While its hardliners in Uttar Pradesh have been making statements on communal lines in what could lead to polarisation ahead of by-polls, the government has stuck to its development agenda.

The BJP leaders are also keeping their discourse on the government confined to development. Party leader Mukhtar Abbas Naqvi said the government has freed the country from policy paralysis. “These 100 days have also been 100 days for GDP where G is good governance, D is development and P is prosperity,” he was quoted by a news agency as saying.


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