Nadesamurugan Venkadesan, IBM


Name – Nadesamurugan Venkadesan

Company – IBM, Bangalore

Tell us something about yourself?

I am an Engineering Graduate from IFET College of Engineering, completed my course in the year 2006. My hobbies are listening to music, watching and playing cricket. I joined IBM, Bangalore as a Technical Advisor on 1st March, 2010.

Tell us something about your company?

IBM (International Business Machines Corporation) is a hundred year old global technology and Innovation Company that holds its operations in over 170 countries. We invent and integrate hardware, software and services to build a planet full of smart people, institutions and enterprises.

According to you, what is management all about?

Management is all about doing all the activities on time rather than telling “I don’t have time to manage those activities”. Thus, Management is the art of completing activities efficiently and effectively with the help of full resources and efforts.

Your views on Corporate World?

“Corporate” is the common term used in business organizations these days. Corporate world is united to produce the quality of service and it helps the economy of the country by creating job opportunities. It functions in continual improvement. “Survival of the Fittest” i.e. it is a competitive world. It does create job opportunities but if you are not working as per the business requirements or not adhering to the policies then it could be a layoff for the employee. You need to keep updating yourself in your field as well as what company expects from you. Simply do what company expects you to do and no need for over production.

What is your philosophy towards work?

Learn and let others learn, Share your knowledge and more importantly, don’t be a selfish individual. Work for the scheduled time, set your goals and achieve it. Always look for the chance where you can show that without you no task can be completed. 😉 Try to be in limelight always.

Tell us about the most fun you have had on the job?

Every day is a new day for me so fun will be there always. Fun at work is mandatory and infact there are lot to say.

“Earning more and more” is the motive behind doing BMS? Is it justifiable?

NOPE it creates an opportunity for the freshers!!!!!!!!!!!

Is the Name of the Institute from where a student does his/her BMS important while entering into corporate world?

It would be an added advantage if the BMS student is from a renowned institute/college.

What message would you like to give to the students aspiring to work at management level?

Learn new things, update your knowledge all time as knowledge will never go vain.

If you are hiring a person for a job, what would you look for?

Whether the candidate suits for the profile I am looking for.

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