Grand-niece of Maulana Abdul Kalam Azad and second cousin of actor Aamir Khan, Najma Heptulla joined BJP in 2004. It was reported that she left Congress due to strain in relationship with Sonia Gandhi but later she alleged that she was personally humiliated by Sonia Gandhi.
Name: Najma Heptulla
Father: Syed Yusuf Ali
Mother: Fatima Yusuf Ali
Date of Birth: 13th April 1940
Age: 74yr
Place of Birth: Bhopal
Educational Qualification: Masters of Science Degree in Zoology and a Ph.D. in Cardiac Anatomy from the University of Denver.
Incumbent: Minister of Minority Affairs
Political Party: Bharatiya Janata Party
Spouse: Late Akbarali Heptulla (1966-2007—his death)
Spouses’ profession: Manpower consultant, Instrumental in establishment of Patriot newspaper in 1960’s.
Political Career: Since 1980, she has been a member of the Rajya Sabha from Maharashtra for four terms at 1980, 1986, 1992, 1998 as Congress candidate. She was the General Secretary of Congress during 1986.
-DEPUTY CHAIRPERSON, RAJYA SABHA- 1985-1986, 1988-2004.
-Became one of the 13 Vice-president’s of BJP in 2010
-She was nominated to head Indian Council of Cultural Affairs.
-She presided over the women parliamentarians’ group of the Inter-Parliamentary Union in 1993 and became founder president of the parliamentarians’ forum for human development the same year.
Heptulla has authored book on AIDS titled “AIDS: Approaches to Prevention”. Her other written materials include- human social security, sustainable development, environment, reforms for women and on ties between India and west Asia.
Criminal cases/allegations: None.
– Harshali Amin